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They Lurk in the Shadows

I grabbed the blanket and brought it over my eyes to block the bloody scene of murder on my tv screen. Sitting alone watching horror flicks is my favorite past time. The rush of adrenaline fear produces it’s quite addicting. I still cover my eyes and scream but that’s what makes it fun. My spooky marathon is interrupted by my whimpering dog, Max in urgent need for a potty break. Dragging my feet, I place the movie on pause to cater to my fur baby.

I open the slide door and the cool night air hits me as my dog dashes for his favorite spot of release. My backyard is dark for there is a lake nearby. Barefoot I call out for Max to make sure he stays close. This little dog of mine likes to go far and near the shoreline. I turn on the flashlight on my phone and search for him. I’m creeped out for the cold grass feels weird underneath me and I hear Max growling. I see him staring directly at the center of some tall dark bushes. I call out for him once again with urgency. I see and hear the bushes move swiftly and dash back home just to trip on a sprinkler on my way. Suddenly Max jumps over me and races inside. I get up and run towards the door as well.

As I close the door, I laugh nervously because I ditched my dog when I was scared. Just to fall on my ass and have him run over me. Staring out the sliding door, I see a glare in the distance. They look like two red eyes glowing with a piercing stare. My heart beating fast, I pull the blinds to cover the glass door. I text my room mate asking when she’s coming home. What seems like forever she replies she’ll be home in a few hours. I don’t like the fact that I’m alone and seeing things now. Feeling a bit shaken I resume to my spot in the couch to complete the movie.

I decide to prepare a snack in the kitchen, and I’m reminded that I haven’t heard from Max since running back into the house. I go searching for him, and see him in a far dark corner curled up. I bend over to pet him and noticed he smells like crap. Looking closer I see he is laying on his poop and urine. I grabbed towels and disinfectant to clean the mess. I use some wipes to clean Max. In all this he doesn’t want to move out this corner despite my many attempts to lure him out. I return to the kitchen to clean my hands and feel eyes on me. As I’m rinsing my hands, I slowly look up and see out the window the pitch black night. My heart is beating fast. I turn off the faucet and get a glimpse out the window again and see red eyes glaring at me. I let out a scream and run to Max.

Max remains still and even growls at me when I try to move him out of this corner. Suddenly I do not trust my home, my dog or my eyes. I gather up courage and stand up to turn all the lights on. With lights on I feel more at ease. I return to the couch to nervously put a movie on. Some comedy relief might be good. As I sit, I stare back and forth to Max who still remains in the same nervous position. My phone buzzes and my room mate texts me she’s on the way home. This pours some confidence that all will be okay and my active imagination will return to normal. An exaggeration of imagination is the excuse for what I feel and what I thought I saw. I sigh with relief and for once I relax back in my couch.

I hear the wind howling outside and the branches are hitting the window to the side of me. I pay no mind. Seems as if the wind picks up and in a blink of an eye the lights start flickering. I am left in the dark. I grab my phone and go underneath my blanket to call my room mate. No answer. I call my parents, it leads me to their voicemail. When I manage to get through to my sister, there is so much static we barely understand each other. In the middle of texting, I drop my phone as I hear a loud boom. I stand up and freeze from what I see.

To window on my side, between the blinds, there are two red eyes glaring at me. To the distant corner where I last saw Max, another two red eyes are staring at me. As I walk in the middle of the living room in the dark, I see in the kitchen window another pair of red glowing eyes. I feel my heart beat rapidly escalating. The eyes in the corner appear to be coming closer to me so I walk backwards and hit the sliding door. At least what I thought was just the glass door.

I slammed my back to what I can describe as a consuming dark force. A shadow that wraps my body as I’m sucked outside. I turn my eyes to the side and see and feel the heat of glowing red eyes. I feel a bit of the night breeze and hear the wind howling loud. I am drape in a warm heavy cloud. It feels like big strong arms tighten over my mouth. I’m paralyzed. My eyes fill with tears as they move back and forth searching for help. I’m dragged slowly in the shadows in deadly silence.

I see from the outside window, my room mate enters our home. She turns the lights on without issues and calls out for me. She notices the sliding door is open and comes outside. She has a look of concern and calls for me again. Max is behind her. Max runs outside and comes close to the dark bushes where I’m held forcefully. He stares and I’m almost sure he sees me. He starts growling at me with great intensity. My room mate grabs him and returns to the house. I try to escape the shadow that binds me but it’s impossible. I am now certain I’ve become one of them. I feel empty and lonely. Sentenced to lurk in the shadows and capture the next prey.

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