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  • Writer's pictureMay

That Damn Ex

You were taught to believe in

Fairytales from a young age

To believe in the magic of love

With the turn of every page

The stories always depict some

Sort of damsel in distress

Needing a Prince Charming

To rescue her from her mess

We all had that fairytale love

That made our heart skip a beat

But we also had the heartbreak

Which ended in crushing deceit

This is for that damn ex

That ripped the story apart

Becoming the full blown villain

That slowly poisoned your heart

That damn ex that is the culprit

For the tears and mistrust

That turned innocent love to

Frivolous and arrogant lust

Yes that person caused

Chaos and turn in events

Derailing the straight path to

One crooked and bent

That damn ex that like a tick

Sucked your time

Wasteful existence that went

After your prime

The stupid ass now thinks he’s

Timeless as Peter Pan

Sleeping with Wendy parading

As a lost boy in Neverland

Now that I think that damn ex

Is more like Captain Hook

He needs a metal hand to please

For he can’t rely on his looks

That damn ex thinks you don’t

Remember the entire tale

They think it ends with the girl

Forgotten and frail

See you don’t need a prince

To give you a happy end

We may fight for ourselves

To wound or to offend

Yes you were fooled by the

narrative the ex presented

The lies were not love but

A fairytale invented

That damn ex that thinks he owns

The pen to your story

Will one day come begging

Defeated and sorry

Go rewrite your story little fairy

And take flight

For soon that damn ex

Will be no where in sight

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Jul 23, 2019

I love this May❤️


Linda Flores
Linda Flores
Jul 23, 2019

Love it sissy thanks 😘

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