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Spooky Stories

So it’s been in a while since I dabble on writing a scary story because my life turned one of my worse nightmares into reality- my mom passed away. That’s scary enough. Still I felt the need to pen something scary for the spooky season is  upon us. As I let my creative juices marinate to write another scary short story, I thought why not share some scary stories I have witnessed. As I gather my memories I realized that I have experienced many spooky things. Am I a magnet to the supernatural? I sure have lots of stories to back that up. Who knows… but it’s intriguing. You be the judge, the skeptic, the believer, the adamant doubter- whatever it inspires you just go ahead and read.

Hope you get spooked.

Powerful Blender

My sisters and I used to host a Bible study in our home when we were teens. We briefly stayed home alone after everyone left as we waited for my mom to come home from work. We put everything into place, turned off the lights as we watched tv in the living room. Suddenly a loud noise from the kitchen jerked us scared. Of course my sisters pushed me to go check out the cause of the noise. I slowly went to the kitchen with my sisters behind me. The blender was the culprit, it was going on like someone had pressed it. I went to turn it off and realized it wasn’t plugged into the outlet. My sisters and I screamed when we couldn’t turn it off. We called our Bible study teacher to return for she lived near. The blender eventually turned off after we said a prayer. Little did we know that night one of the visitors to our Bible study was into dark magic and had challenged our Bible study teacher on who had the greater power.

Hairy Robe Thing

I was just a kid when one of my uncles passed. Some of my family stayed sleeping over. That night was eerie enough with the sobs of the family. I fell asleep in the bottom bunk bed with one of my cousins. I woke up because I was cold but got scared when I heard shuffling on the floor. I froze and left my eyes half open thinking it was one of the adults checking in on us. It was no adult- I don’t even know if it was human. I can describe this creature as maybe a human on all fours wearing a big long brownish color robe with a hoodie. The hoodie covered a ball of matted hair were the head would be. The eyes far apart glowed fiercely. The hands or paws were boney with long claws as they scraped the floor. All the creature did was growled lowly and scooted around the floor almost with a lost pace. The creature caught my eye movement and crept towards me. I closed my eyes and started praying in my head. I felt an icy breathe on my cheek and also on my leg. It felt like forever, until my mom came in the room and took the place next to my sister in the bed across from me. The thing disappeared and I was relieved but still scared. The next morning I tried to blame the occurrence as a vivid dream until my cousin told me if I had heard or seen the scary robe thing crawling in the room.

Invisible Bang

My country has many urban legends with elaborate details used to scared people into behaving good. At least that’s what I thought until I visited my country and had an experience. Late at night we sat in the porch catching up with our family. Their corner house was enclosed with low concrete walls on the sides and the front had a slightly higher metal gate. A loud bang scared us and my dad ushered us in the house quickly thinking it was the drunk men banging on the gate to just bother or steal. He went back out with a bat to see who was banging. We saw my dad upset and he opened the gate to take a further look. When we saw it was no one, we went back on the porch. My dad said it must have been kids messing around. We thought that too until I reached over the metal gate on a chair. I saw a banged up wagon dragged by a man- well I thought it was a man but I couldn’t see features. The front metal gate moved as if someone was pounding it with full force but nothing- no one was there. My dad was on one end of the gate and my sister on the other looking at the gate banged by an invisible force as the wagon went by.

Ghostly Tune

I arrived early to my office, unlocked the door and started to click the lights on. On my way to my bosses office, I heard someone humming. I called out to check if it was the cleaning lady or another staff member but no one answered back. I stopped in the hallway half way to my boss’s office as the humming continued and I got goose bumps. My immediate response was to pray and rebuke. I gathered courage and stepped into the room to turn the light on. The humming stopped abruptly. I checked if anyone was in there and it was empty. For the rest of the work day I stayed scared and unknowingly kept humming the tune that scared me. Convinced by one of my coworkers I shared the experience with my boss. Only to find out his grandmother used to sing this old tune. He saw the situation like his grandmother continues to watch over him. I was scared, so were the others in the office. No one wanted to work late or come in early for a while in fear of encountering the ghostly tune.

So what do you believe were the causes of these experiences? Have you experienced anything weird as such? Do you believe in the supernatural? Leave a comment below!

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