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New Year, Same Me

I took a brief hiatus from blogging due to the past holiday season. You know just to live life and be present. From mid November to January 1st, it felt like I crammed lots of activities. I celebrated my 37th trip around the sun. Blew my candles as I headed north in search for cooler weather. I traveled to Pittsburgh and Washington-loved the experience these two cities had to offer. I enjoyed the cold and gloomy weather I encountered ( remember I hate the sun). From birthday parties to holiday parties, I spread some good cheer for it was the most wonderful time of the year! ( Yo, that rhymed unintentionally) Spent Christmas with my lovely family bonding in the mutual dislike of hot south Florida weather (we like to search for a winter wonderland every Christmas, and it was not possible this Christmas). Rang in the New Year with a cold that left me bed ridden for a few days, reason to drink some moon shine to help alleviate the sore throat that plagued me. I am happy for the memories created as I wrapped another epic year.

As the old year came to an end, I couldn’t help to get in my feelings for a brief moment. It’s a beautiful season that can be described with unexplainable joy and nostalgia. Memories of past Christmases and loved ones who no longer are here tend to creep up around the holiday season. Thankfully I never station myself in that mood for I quickly divert my attention to the kids in my family. Seeing the holidays through children’s eyes is pure bliss. A big smile came across my face when I saw my 1 year old nephew get excited over wrapping paper. Yes- just wrapping paper! He got plenty of gifts but the paper gave him life. I share this for many people stay in the funk and enter the new year with a sense of hopelessness and get even more depressed when they realized the cycle of life. Hope you were able to overcome the holiday funk and not get twisted in the New Year funk.

January 1st comes along with the annoying “New Year, New Me“ bs. People list resolutions and gyms become richer with overwhelming subscriptions that will eventually be cancelled by mid February. ( It’s a marketing gimmick of gyms at our expense really, but I guess we do gotta exercise). Now I’m not saying having goals, focusing on a healthier lifestyle or making resolutions are pathetic. I’m not a “negative Nancy“ but I get tired of the mass pressure to pile up goals come January 1st. You can have resolutions on Ground Hog day or Halloween Or on President’s day! Why are we pressurized to list goals on this certain day which leave us a bit depressed when we don’t have the heart to commit to all of them?

I am 100% in agreement for self improvement. Not just physically but spiritually and mentally. These 3 areas are important and I find myself always setting goals to become better. Before I plan on self improvement, I analyze what within me is good. It is easy to be so judgmental on yourself (and even others) but it’s quite hard at times to find the good in you at the start of the year. We start pulling our fat and dissecting our finances to desperately search for approval that we are good or dare I say enough. Resolution time can easily become depressive when we realize all that is wrong with us and all the past years we have failed to reach the countless abandoned resolutions.

I decided to focus on the accomplishments I reached last year that didn’t all happen at the start of the year. I realized they happen throughout the year, slowly. Some goals I didn’t reach and it’s ok. I will continue to pursue them. I counted all the blessings big or small. With a heart full of gratitude it’s hard to be depressed for the unreached goals. So what if your travel goals where not as expected. You planned to go to Europe but ended up going an hour away from your hometown. You planned on purchasing a house but ended up renting a studio. Instead of focusing on what you didn’t achieve, see that you had the opportunity to go on vacation and thankful to just have a roof over your head. Start the year with gratitude, it makes a big difference.

This year I plan to continue making people laugh. Laughter is the best medicine and I will give that dose freely. This year I plan to extend my generosity to reach more people than my local circle. Whether my finances stay the same or increase, it will not depend on how I bless others. This year I will follow my dreams and do what I love, not do what I just tolerate. This year I will create more memories with my family and friends in the backyard or as we explore a new city, memories will be made! This year I will focus on better and healthier choices. This year I will spend more time in things that enrich my soul, for if my soul is nourished is ma a better person. This year I will celebrate as I reach goals even the smallest of them always with a heart full of gratitude.

Make your list of resolutions for this year or not. Truth be told you can become a “New You“ whenever you decide. New Year, Same You- that’s ok at least you are consistent (let’s wear the rose colored glasses for now). But if you do choose to make a list of improvements, start by acknowledging your accomplishments and taking the self improvement approach. We have a brand new spanking year. Let’s make the best of it and keep pushing towards or happiness!

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