A year ago, my mom’s soul returned to her maker. It left a void that can’t ever be filled and a loss that can’t be understood. Despite the darkness felt with her absence, her love still lights the way. A light like hers cannot be extinguished, forgotten, or erased. Her light still echoes and burns brightly in the lives she impacted.
Our mom was our beacon of light that lit our paths. Not only our paths but countless of others. By example she showed us what our light can do in this world. All that is required is a willing heart to care about others and be there in time of need. To feed others, provide shelter, to give words of encouragement, to be of good humor and to share God’s goodness. Her light shined brightly as a mom, a daughter, a sister, a wife, a friend, a church member, an employee, a mother in law, a grandma, an aunt, and whatever title she had. Her charisma, humor and eagerness to help made her boldly stand out.
In my earliest of childhood memories I remember my mom helping young girls by giving them a place to stay until they got settled on their own. The girls were from church and some were her coworkers. They didn’t stay long for we lived in tight quarters already but that didn’t stop my mom extending her hand to help. My mom would prepare the couch or even give up her bed many times. She was wise in the way she provided a shelter and always did it with the intention to find a solution to these homeless young girls. All those she helped, remember her as the lady that took them in and helped without asking for nothing in return.
Everyone that knew my mom, knew her skills in the kitchen. She threw it down. While her expertise was Nicaraguan cuisine she always put her own spin to those recipes and mastered new ones. I grew up watching my mom cook for church every Sunday. The proceeds of her meals will go towards helping the expenses of the church building, donations to guest speakers, or missionaries over seas. If anyone was hungry and didn’t have the money to pay, she will still feed them. Never did she turned someone away that was hungry. Every party we had, she insisted on cooking. Many requested her to cook and looked forward to eating her delicious food. It was her joy to be in the kitchen and was satisfied when compliments poured towards her cooking. Even as she got older and with shoulder pain- it didn’t stop her willingness to feed the masses.
My mom never forgot her humble roots. The family and friends she left behind in Nicaragua always had a special place in her heart. While she was not rich financially, she was wealthy with grace and resourceful to help those in need. She gathered used clothes and shoes in good condition from everyone around her willing to help to send to her country. Her notes had names of people with the amount of children they had along with clothes and shoe sizes. She collected clothes to give to those in need. This was done yearly. I still have bags of clothes that she left behind for this very purpose. The many she clothed near and far remember her for her kind thoughtfulness to make sure they were clothed.
The several monetary donations she gave to charities because she knew life was bigger than just her own. Again, she wasn’t rich but she was benevolent like she was! Every fund raiser-she was there, she supported the christian radio, she sent donations to St. Judes, supported missionaries, sowed seeds to a variety of causes, and stayed faithful to her tithes. I know that she even wanted to sponsor less fortunate children. I witnessed with little money she was the sole supporter of a single parent household of 3 girls and an elderly woman but she helped so many others! This leaves me in complete awe and admiration of how good of a steward she was with her resources.
The mercy she showed others was beyond comprehension. She was quick to forgive and quick to apologize when she was wrong. While she was opinionated at times, she always took responsibility for her words, actions and admitted her faults. The way she was available to counsel and guide those who came to her was worthy of admiration. The toughest battles I’ve faced, were because she was my guide showing faith in every chance she had. The time she invested in others, often placing her needs after others is something we will always remember and cherish.
I am honored to be the daughter and resemble the remarkable woman I called mom for 38 years. I can go on and on forever detailing her wonderfulness. The same wonderfulness that I’m sure won her many jewels in her crown in heaven. My mom shined so brightly for her 65 years on this side of heaven. That type of light is genuine and cannot fade over time. It’s a light that leaves a legacy. Her light still burns brightly within all that were fortunate to experience it. Keep shinning bright mami!