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La Segua

With music blasting, Jorge sped through the highway anxious to make his last delivery before midnight. The truck lights pierced through the thickness of the night in the countryside. Jorge’s thoughts were with his girlfriend, Emily and the terrible argument they had before he left on this delivery trip. The argument was based on Jorge’s profession of being on the road half of his time. A truck driver is a time consuming profession but the money it provides is good. Jorge drove through the highway consumed in his thoughts to break up with Emily or mend the relationship. All of a sudden, the truck hit something and Jorge swerved to gain control. Jorge missed what appeared to be a wagon on the side of the road. His heart jumped out his chest when he saw a person near the wagon.

Immediately he dashed out the truck to assist the person he nearly hit. As he went towards the person, he asked “Ma’am are you okay?” The person was a woman which meekly responded back “Yes, sir, I’m okay.” The young woman was sitting on a large rock with her back towards him next to the wagon that was missing a wheel. The woman was young, with long shiny black hair gathered to her left shoulder. She was wearing a white gown that bared her shoulder to her lower back almost near her rear. The gown appeared to be ripped in various parts which exposed her glowing skin. As Jorge walked closer, he asked if she was okay once again. The woman reassured she was okay in a soft voice. “Why are you sitting on the rock facing against the road ma’am? Jorge curiously asked. “I came with my father to run some late errands, the tire from the wagon gave out and he went to look for a spare. When the tire gave out, I stumbled and tore my nightgown“ the woman responded. Jorge with great concerned told her is okay and he would like to help her back to safety.

The woman gently turned her head to Jorge. When Jorge saw her, he was amazed at her beauty. Her smooth ivory complexion glowed in the moonlight. Ruby plumped lips that trembled as she looked at him. Jorge gently asked “Are you cold?” To which she nodded “Yes”. Jorge hurried to the truck to get a blanket and bring it to her. As he returned, the beautiful young woman gently moved herself on the rock to face him. The stumble on the wagon really left her night gown in shreds. She sat their trembling and her bare firm large breast semi exposed to the night air. There was a great rip on the gown that left a glimpse to her pelvic

and to her thigh. Jorge was mesmerized by her beauty. He was aroused just to see this gorgeous woman in nothing but a gown. Jorge placed the blanket around her and went to the wagon to see if he could repair the wheel.

With nerves Jorge tried to look at the wagon but his attention with with the gorgeous woman sitting almost nude in the rock. He offered to take her to the nearest town but she was adamant to stay waiting for her father. The woman had the blanket draped around her shoulders, her gown exposing more of her body each time he looked at her. Jorge looked at her eyes and knew he wanted to be with her. He went towards her and she embraced his face “Thank you for helping me” she said softly as the blanket fell from her body. She pulled Jorge closer to him as she spread her bare thighs to let him between her legs. Jorge placed his hands on her smooth thighs and gently removed the remains of her gown. Jorge leaned over to kiss the woman passionately as her rubbed his hands on her back. He kissed her soft lips, her neck, her shoulders as he cradled her breast in his mouth. The woman took off his pants as Jorge invited himself into her with an explosion of passion. The two strangers gave into crazy lust without any care.

Jorge begged the woman to come with him but she asked to keep the blanket for she had to wait on her father. Jorge still excited from the adventure suddenly remembered he was on the clock. He hurried back to the truck to make the delivery into town. He looked back in the rear view mirror and waved bye to the beautiful woman who gave him quite a thrill. With a grin from ear to ear Jorge arrived at the delivery destination. Once he the merchandise was unloaded off the truck, he went to the nearest bar. It was late but he needed a drink after the night he had. He sat at the bar reading texts from Emily but could not respond back for his thoughts was with the beautiful woman that made him feel so special. Two local men at the bar asked him if he was okay. They saw Jorge looking at his phone and putting it down again. Jorge told them about Emily and his rendezvous that night. Jorge went on and on about this mysterious woman who gave him so much doubt to go back to his girlfriend. The men asked Jorge where this hook up took place. As Jorge told them, one of the men with a terrified look just walked away. “What’s the problem?” Jorge asked. The remaining man told Jorge there is no stranded woman there. Many men are fooled by this beautiful woman to only reveal she’s a hideous monster, on this very same spot. The creature is known as La Segua who roams in the countryside as a beautiful sexy woman luring men to have sex with her. The men who fall in her trap go insane before she kills them.

Jorge dismissed this tale as an urban legend and quickly went back to his truck to start the drive back home. He chuckled in the crazy beliefs of the locals. He thought these men clearly did not understand the concept of a random hook up. He called Emily and left her a message apologizing for his part in their argument as he began the long drive. As he drove passed the rock where he had seen the woman, he saw the wagon but not the woman. He felt he had to see this mysterious woman again. He was worried the woman may still be waiting and something in him wanted another passionate moment with her. He wanted her again badly. He could not shake it and drove slowly on the road until he saw her. Jorge became excited and aroused at the thought of making her his again, He rolled down his window and asked “Sweetie, your father never came?” The woman looked at him embarrassed and nodded no. Jorge invited her to get in his truck and he would drive her to town. The woman got in his truck and Jorge drove to back town. She leaned over to him and kissed him passionately. The woman was aroused and obviously wanted another round. Jorge told her that he would find them a hotel and they would continue there, Jorge frantically drove faster looking for a place for them but the woman with aggression kept touching Jorge to initiate intimacy. Jorge was bothered and screamed “Not now, just wait”. The woman started laughing hysterically. Jorge trying to keep his eyes on the road took a glimpse to see what was causing her her such unfounded laughter. To his horror, the beautiful woman was a hideous monster. No longer did he have a beautiful woman in his truck but a monster that terrified him. Her face was a horse skeleton on top of a frail bony disfigured body. The eyes of the creature glowed red with anger. Her hair was dirty and tangled with debris. She screamed deeply “Take me home!” and Jorge startled took off the road to tumble and fall into a ditch.

The first responders appeared in the site of the accident. They searched for survivors but found none. Jorge’s body was the only one found. One of the male responders saw deep in the corn filed a slender woman with black hair in a gown, and went to follow her until his female colleague stopped him. “You don’t want to follow her“ the colleague said. “Why not?” He asked. “Because that is La Segua” she said as both heard laughs from the corn field.

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Nov 15, 2019

😘❤️ love you sissy!


Nov 15, 2019

Thanks sissy for everything you did to make my birthday party a success. I appreciate everything you did. Love you to the moon and back 😘😘🥰

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