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Business As Usual

Working for one of the biggest companies in the country has its benefits but also its struggles. My name is Lorelai and I am an entry level marketing executive for The House of Ferguson, best known for their cutlery and plate designs for high end restaurants and hotels. My job is to hunt down new accounts and tie them in on contracts. I worked hard to get where I am. The House of Ferguson’s corporate office is quite an environment. The competition is fierce and people will do just about anything or anyone to climb the corporate ladder. Here is my story on how I got to be the top of the marketing department at The House of Ferguson.

After a long work day, I met with the director of marketing, Jason for some drinks. The drinks to ease up before we discuss how we will tag team a potential new client whose account is big enough for a hefty bonus. Jason is attractive, he’s 6”1, slender but built, dark hair, fair skin and the most piercing blue eyes I have ever seen. He’s smart too with such a generous heart. He has made some flirtatious moves on me but I have to keep it professional, for he just happens to be the son of the big boss Mr. Ferguson. After running play by play on our intro for the potential client and gulping down a few beers, Jason leaned across the table towards me. His hand swept behind my ear a straggling hair strand away from my face as he sweetly whispered to me that even after a long day I looked beautiful as ever. Of course I blushed as I playfully told him to simmer down for he had too many beers. Jason sat back in his chair rolling his eyes with a grin that made me blush even more. The night ended with me convincing Jason I was okay to catch an Uber myself. He leaned for a farewell kiss on the cheek that was too close to the outer corner of my lips.

The following Monday, as I entered the corporate office I was greeted by Terry the executive assistant to Mr. Ferguson. She indicated that Mr. Ferguson was waiting in his office to speak to me. Terry is quite a voluptuous woman with few brain cells and she sells sex with every word spoken. Mr. Ferguson has known her for years and she is like a daughter to him (at least that is what he says). I followed Terry into Mr. Ferguson’s office and as always I was greeted with a warm embrace from him. He wanted to give me his best wishes before I met with the big client later that day. As I left his office, Terry stopped me in my tracks to inform me that a client was waiting for me in the conference room. I was confused and asked her who it was. Terry stated it was the big client ready for the meeting. I told her it couldn’t be for the meeting was set for 6 pm. Terry looked at me in confusion and said carelessly that I told her to book the meeting for the morning, I wanted to strangle Terry for this is not the first time she messes up. I told her to stall the client for I had to go get Jason and scramble for the meeting. Terry went to the conference room and told the client that I forgot about the meeting but to give me a few minutes to prepare. I heard this and rolled my eyes with anger at her lack of professionalism.

I rushed to Jason’s office in hopes that he was already there. I knocked on his door and he invited me in. To my surprise his fiance Samantha was there, sitting on his desk towards him. I wish I could say Samantha is a horrible person but she’s not. She is pretty and the most sweetest person I’ve met. As I informed Jason of the date mix up, he got up and was quite upset at Terry and how useless she is at the office. Jason knows that Terry gets away with mistakes like these because his father protects her. He gathered some papers and told me to go to the conference room and let’s start the meeting. As Jason caught up to me in the hallway he looked at me from head to toes and told me that he liked what he saw and winked at me.

The meeting despite the confusion was a total success. I started the presentation as Jason backed me up with the numbers that dictate our success in this industry. The client Jon Young was a handsome Asian American young professional. Rich beyond his years and with every word he spoke I stayed marveled at his intelligence. Mr. Young was impressed with the proposal but refused to let us know if he agreed for us to supply his restaurants with our latest designs until I agreed to have lunch with him. Of course Jason arranged to reserve a table at the nearest upscale restaurant to conclude this deal. Mr. Young, well- Jon as he asked me to call him, offered me a job in his company as he was too impressed with my work ethic. Jason laughed nervously as he informed him that would not be possible. Jon continued to make his interest in me known and even informed me he wanted the lunch date with me alone. By the end of the meal we had booked the client. When we returned to the office to sign papers for the deal, everyone was ecstatic Jon said goodbye to me with a lingering handshake that was interrupted by Jason. Once Jon left, Jason approached me to congratulate me on my new boyfriend and coldly walked away.

As much as I wanted to ask Jason, what the heck was that comment for, I had an issue to solve with Terry. That backstabbing dud almost messed that meeting with the confusion of times. I rushed to Mr. Ferguson’s office and saw his door slightly open and heard a muffled noise. My heart raced as I was unsure what was going on in there. I knocked on the door and asked if I could come in. I heard them scrambling in there. After a few minutes that felt like hours, Mr. Ferguson invited me in. Terry was there with him, she had her back towards me as she was preparing his tea. I sat down and informed Mr. Ferguson that the client signed with us to which he was thrilled. Terry gave him his tea and was quiet. I looked at her and told her to be careful next time she sets meetings for her error could have cost us the contract. Victimized Terry responded very meekly that she was following my instructions and that she is sure she made no error. I was upset at her and Mr. Ferguson chimed in defending Terry, stating whosoever mistake it was its not important for we got the deal. I rolled my eyes and just looked away from the dumb look on Terry’s face. But before I looked away I noticed Terry’s pink lipstick was a faded spread across her mouth. Terry excused herself and said sorry to me before she left. I stayed quiet for I know her game. Mr. Ferguson got up and told me to not be upset for there is much to celebrate for he will inform accounting to process my bonus immediately. As I stood up to meet him for a celebratory hug, I noticed his pants zipper was undone. As I stood there hugging him, I felt uneasy.

Jason missed work for about two days. When he returned to the office he passed my by the hallway and did not utter a word towards me. I followed him and asked him if I may have a word with him. He nodded and sat on his desk, reading his emails as if I was not there. This bothered me greatly and I told him that if I wanted to be ignored I would go elsewhere. Jason looked up at me, his blue eyes fixated on me. I looked back at him and demanded to know what the problem is. Jason took a deep breath and laid back on his chair as he started rambling about how my flirtation with the client was out of line. His face became red as he spilled senseless words. I rolled my eyes and told him that I was just being polite. Jason was upset and walked towards me explaining how I flirted my way to secure the deal. I yelled to Jason that I was not planning to date Jon but his outrageous exaggeration of the matter was an insult to my character. That upset Jason more and now he was in front of me as I was pinned by the door. He came closer to my face and told me how I drive him crazy and he cannot control his feelings when I am around him. He placed his hands on the sides of my face and stared into my eyes as he leaned slowly to kiss me. His lips touching mines made me automatically lean closer to his body. He looked at my eyes again and with mutual agreement we went in for another kiss. He pressed by body against the door, I felt his tongue push between my lips as the kiss became deeper with passion. I gently bit on his lips and this intensified the embrace. I felt his hands touch my back as he kissed my neck and cleavage. The arousal multiplied with every caress and passionate kiss. The moment was intense but interrupted with Mr. Ferguson knocking on the door. We managed to act like we were working as Jason stepped out with his father and I supposedly stayed finishing gathering some papers I randomly got off the desk to pretend we were working.

Jason text me that night. He sent messages how I could not get out of his mind. This had me feeling so confused for I too could not stop thinking of our hot make out sesh. I had to do something. I knew that on Friday nights, Jason works late so I planned to stay working late in an attempt to have some alone time to talk to him without interruptions and maybe just maybe get another kiss. I also wanted to know where to go from there, I mean we kissed and it was good. The office was almost empty and I informed the others I would turn off the lights and lock up. Jason was in his office for his light was turned on. I quietly went towards his door that was locked but left slightly opened. I felt weird, I heard low moaning. I pushed the door to open some more and I could not believe my eyes. I could see Terry’s long blonde wavy hair bouncing. She was straddled to the desk chair. She was completely naked for her clothes were all scattered on the floor. I could see her butt being grabbed my two hands that made Terry moan. My heart was beating fast because I was afraid to know who was the man on the chair. As I quietly made my way in the office and went to the left to get a better view, I saw that Jason was the man enjoying the ride. His hands fondling Terry’s butt and he was submerged in her large breast. When he came up for air, he was startled to see me standing there. Jason quickly pushed Terry off of him. As I saw that neither used protection for their good time, I got tears in my eyes. Jason trying to find his clothes and get dressed asked what I was doing there and how long was I there, while Terry grabbed her clothes and ran out of the office nervous and naked.

How could you I screamed at Jason. I told him that he had me fooled with his constant insults to Terry and his flirty comments towards me. I screamed that he has a girlfriend. I told him I felt used and like a horrible human being. Jason proceeded to explain that he felt something special for me but that he committed the error to sleep with Terry many months ago and Terry has him blackmailed. He didn’t want to lose Samantha or have everyone know about him and Terry so that is why Terry gets away with a lot. I was crying, for the man I respected was a complete fraud. I screamed to him that I never wanted to see him again but he grabbed me by the arm and asked me to forgive him. Jason kept saying how he had feelings towards me but could not leave Samantha for a scandal that size would be his downfall with his father. How Terry was a mistake that he cannot shake. I was quietly wiping my tears hearing the stupidity pour out of this man’s mouth. The same man I once was so attracted and admired his intelligence, now repulsed me.

I started thinking that I could turn this around for my own benefit as dear Terry did. When my tears stopped and Jason just had shame on his face I informed him that I would keep his secret. I would not inform anyone of our kiss or what I witnessed with Terry and him. Jason thanked me like a begging fool, however I let him know the price for my silence. In order for me to keep this secret from Samantha, Mr. Ferguson and everyone, I wanted to be the new director of the Marketing department with a bump in pay. A good bump in pay, full benefits and a month vacation annually. These changes were to be effective immediately for me to be quiet. Jason looking down agreed to my terms. He asked how should he treat me going forward for he really did have feelings for me. I looked at him as if he had not just tore my heart and pride to pieces. I cleared my throat and told him that we should proceed with business as usual.

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