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  • Writer's pictureMay

23,796 Sunsets

How is life measured?

In significant moments or

In memorable years?

Or maybe in goals and laughter

Or in struggle or tears

To reminisce your life

Brings me deep sorrow

Not because of how you lived

But because you have no more tomorrows

If I was to measure it by the joy and love you gave along the way

The list would be very long

There is not enough time in the day

From the beauty of your youth To the elegance of your age You constantly provided love In every exchange

23,796 days to live and grow

23,796 days to reap what you sowed

23,796 sunsets took place

23,796 sunsets that shined on your face

Mom, What would I give to spend another sunset with you

To be able to embrace and enjoy your view

65 years, I month and 24 days to be exact Feels like it was not enough and that’s a fact

Hope your 23,796 earthly sunsets

made a mark in your soul

For I know the heavenly ones

Are the ones that made you whole

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2 comentários

Brenda Nieto
Brenda Nieto
17 de dez. de 2021

Oh May. Sending you hugs 🫂

17 de dez. de 2021
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Thank you 🙏🏼😞

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